Mummy makeover
A ‘mummy makeover’ or ‘mommy makeover’ is the popular term for a combination of a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) and breast cosmetic surgery (breast augmentation, breast lift, breast reduction, or breast augmentation with lift). Mr Morritt performs ‘mummy makeover’ surgery regularly at the Thornbury Hospital and Spire Claremont Hospital in Sheffield.
Pregnancy affects different women’s bodies in different ways. While some ladies’ bodies return to their ‘before children’ appearance following childbirth, many patients notice long lasting differences in their breasts (e.g. deflation, lack of firmness, reduced volume in the upper part of the breast and drooping of the breast) and tummies (e.g. increased prominence of the abdomen and loose abdominal skin with overhang) which affects their confidence and self esteem. Many patients in this situation become increasingly frustrated and disheartened when they find that despite intense exercise and dieting their bodies don’t return to their pre-pregnancy appearance. Breast augmentation can restore lost breast volume and fullness and firmness. Breast lift (also known as breast uplift or mastopexy) can lift drooping breasts. Tummy tuck surgery can tighten the abdominal skin and flatten the abdominal contour. Liposuction can be a useful additional procedure for patients having mummy makeover surgery.
To learn about the other procedures that Mr Morritt offers – please click here
Mummy makeover – ideal patient
- Good physical and mental health
- Completed family with no plans for further children
- Has stopped breast feeding for a minimum of 6 months
- Is at a stable body weight that can be maintained in the long term (ideally in normal BMI category)
- Non smoker and does not take any nicotine
- Has a good support network at home to help out with childcare/housework during recovery from surgery
Mummy makeover – before and after photos
Case 1. Photos showing appearances before and 5 months after mummy makeover surgery. This mum of 3 was unhappy with the loose abdominal skin and breast drooping and also wanted a small reduction in breast volume. She has had a combination of breast lift/breast reduction & tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) with muscle tightening. Thanks to my patient for giving permission to show these photos from her cosmetic surgery.

Case 2. Photos showing appearances before and 6 weeks after mummy makeover surgery. This mum was unhappy with the loose skin on her tummy, and breast deflation having lost 4 stone after her pregnancy. The skin would not tighten up despite regular exercise. She has had a combination of full abdominoplasty (extended around the hips) and breast augmentation (teardrop implants placed partially under the chest muscle – Dual plane 1 technique). Thanks to my patient for giving permission to show these images.

Case 3. Photos showing appearances before and after mummy makeover surgery. This lady had completed her family and was unhappy with the saggy skin on her tummy (hanging over her caesarian section scar), the drooping of her breasts and also wanted to increase the size of her breasts but still keep things looking natural. She had a full tummy tuck and then 2 years after this had a combination of round 350cc moderate plus breast implants inserted in front of the muscle with breast uplift. Thanks to my patients for giving permission to show these images.

Case 4. Photos showing appearances before and 6 weeks after mummy makeover surgery. This lady in her thirties had completed her family having had 2 children. She had also lost 5 stone in weight through a combination of gastric band surgery and lifestyle modifications. She was unhappy with the large roll in the lower part of her tummy and because so felt her breasts were too large for her frame and this made it very difficult to get clothes to fit. A breast reduction and breast uplift were performed in the same operation as a full tummy tuck with internal muscle tightening. Her bra size reduced from 34JJ to 34DD making it easier to get clothes to fit and to exercise. Thanks to my patient for giving permission to show these images.

Case 5. Photos showing the appearances before and 6 weeks after mummy makeover surgery. Having lost 5 stone in weight and completed her family this lady wanted skin tightening and also to lift her droopy breasts. A breast lift and fleur-de-lys abdominoplasty with repair of divarication were performed in a single operation. Thanks to my patient for giving permission to show these images.

Case 6. Photos showing appearances before and 6 weeks after mummy makeover surgery. This mum of two was unhappy with the loose skin on her tummy which did not tighten despite regular exercise. She also felt that her 32FF/G breasts were out of proportion with the rest of her body and this made it difficult to exercise. A combination of breast reduction and uplift, and tummy tuck with muscle tightening have been performed in one operation. The red line shows how much breast lift has been obtained in her case. Thanks to my patient for giving permission to show these images.

Case 7. Photos showing appearances before and 6 weeks after mummy makeover surgery. After having 3 children this lady was unhappy with the drooping of her breasts and nipples and prominence of her tummy/flanks. A breast uplift (slight breast reduction on right), tummy tuck and flank liposuction have been performed in a single operation. Thanks to my patient for giving permission to show these images.

Case 8. Photos showing appearance before and after mummy makeover surgery. This lady was unhappy because of the loose skin on the tummy which would not tighten despite exercise. She also wanted to increase her breast size. Round breast implants have been placed under the chest muscle (dual plane type 1) and a full tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) have given her enhanced proportions with a tight, flat tummy.

Case 9. Photos showing appearance before and after mummy makeover surgery. This mum of 4 who had previously had breast implants was unhappy because of the loose skin on the tummy and because her breasts were too low, and uneven. Her round breast implants (on top of muscle) were replaced for smaller, less projecting implants and a breast uplift was performed to lift the breasts and nipples (the red line shows the original position of the lowest part of her breasts). A modified full tummy tuck (belly button float) with muscle tightening (divarication repair) has produced a tight, flat tummy.

Case 10. Patient selfies from before and after tummy tuck and breast reduction/breast uplift surgery. It was wonderful to hear how much more confidence this lovely lady in her early 50’s had after her cosmetic surgery procedures.

Case 11. Photos showing appearances before and after mummy makeover surgery. This mum had a tummy tuck with breast augmentation (350cc moderate plus round breast implants over muscle) and uplift.

Case 12. Photos showing appearances before and after mommy makeover surgery. A combination of breast augmentation and uplift and tummy tuck have been performed. Thanks to my patient for giving permission to show these images.

Case 13. Photos showing appearances before and after mummy makeover surgery. This mum had previously had breast augmentation but was unhappy with the way her breast tissue had drooped over the implants (waterfall deformity) and was also unhappy with her loose abdominal skin. She had replacement of implants, breast uplift and a full tummy tuck with muscle tightening. Thanks to my patient for giving permission to show these images.

Case 14. Before and after photos showing the outcome of breast reduction and tummy tuck (full abdominoplasty) for this mum. Lighter, lifted breasts with a flatter tummy and pulled in waist. Thanks to my patient for giving permission to show these images.
Mummy makeover – procedure
Mummy makeover surgery is performed under general anaesthetic. The surgery involves tummy tuck surgery and breast cosmetic surgery which are generally performed in one operation. Sometimes if the operative time is deemed too long for the breast and tummy surgery to be performed together, a recommendation is made to stage the procedures i.e. do the procedures separately – in this situation a minimum of 6 weeks between procedures is recommended.
The precise procedures performed in a mummy makeover vary for different individuals depending on what the patient is hoping to achieve. Common combinations for mummy makeover surgery include:
- Tummy tuck + breast augmentation
- Tummy tuck + breast uplift
- Tummy tuck + breast augmentation + breast uplift
- Tummy tuck + breast augmentation + liposuction of flanks/hips
- Tummy tuck + breast reduction
- Mini tummy tuck + breast augmentation
To learn more about each procedure please visit the following pages:
read more about: Tummy tuck
read more about: Breast augmentation
read more about: Breast augmentation with uplift
read more about: Breast uplift
read more about: Liposuction
read more about: Breast reduction
Mummy makeover surgery usually involves a 2 night stay in hospital but if patients feel able to go home after 1 night that is also fine. A wound check takes place 1 week after surgery. Patients will need to rest for approximately 2 weeks at home before increasing activity levels. Patients are reviewed 6 weeks following surgery and if all is well can restart strenuous exercise at this stage.
Mummy makeover – risks of surgery
The risks of mummy makeover surgery are the same as the individual component procedures e.g. tummy tuck + breast reduction. The main additional consideration being an increased risk of deep vein thrombosis and chest infections due to the longer operation times. These additional risks have to be considered against the advantages of having the breast and tummy surgery at the same time namely one less general anaesthetic, one less recovery period and reduced costs.
Mummy makeover – prices
The price of surgery is usually worked out on a custom basis. The general principle is that having the breast and tummy surgery in the same operation works out cheaper for the patient as there is one less hospital stay and only one anaesthetic. Click here for guide prices – read more