Page currently under development – more information to come
Excess loose skin and fat in this upper arm area (often called bingo wings) occurs as part of the ageing process but is more common in those who have lost significant amounts of weight. Bingo wing removal is also called arm reduction, arm lift or brachioplasty.
Patient selfie: before and after arm lift/arm reduction surgery.
Arm lift – the procedure
Mr Morritt offers a variety of plastic surgery procedures to tighten and lift the tissues of the upper arm. The surgery generally involves the excision of excess skin and fat, liposuction, or a combination of liposuction and surgical excision. As a general rule patients who have lost large amounts of weight tend to have excess saggy skin which is best treated by surgical excision as the skin has been overstretched and does not tend to shrink down well with liposuction alone. Those with tight skin with good elasticity may be candidates for liposuction arm reduction as their skin will shrink down after liposuction.
The surgery is performed under general anaesthetic and usually involves an overnight stay in hospital.
- Liposuction alone
- Limited arm lift
- Full arm lift
Before and after photos from arm lift (arm reduction) surgery
Case 1. Appearances before and 6 weeks after arm lift (arm reduction) with liposuction and skin excision. Thanks to my patient for giving permission to show these photos.
Case 2. Appearances before and 6 months after arm reduction (arm lift). This lady was unhappy with her saggy upper arms. A combination of liposuction and skin excision has been used to improve the appearance. The scars are still pink which is normal at this stage and they will become paler over the next 6 -12 months. Thanks to my patient for giving permission to show these images.
Risks of arm lift surgery
Permanent numbness, Weakness or chronic pain (nerve damage)
Wound healing problems
Skin loosening
Lymphoedema – permanent swelling of the arm/hand
DVT/PE (Blood clots), Death